Goodbye southampton row...end of 2nd year

The last week was bizarre and exciting with the degree shows taking place throughout our building. The corridors were buzzing with people coming to view the work on display-AmAzing stuff, i was in ore. Behind the scenes we were still working hard for our end of term projects and things were being packed, torn down and thrown away in preparation for our move to the new Kings Cross campus. I managed to salvage the paint adorned print studio radio,can't be loosin that.

Print studio
June-legendary technician
I Loved the winding stairs and stone walls of the old building and even the strained rain and winds that filled the studio, but really looking forward to the new building and all the electric peeps that come along with it. So strange that this time next year it'll be my degree show, excited. I had a great end to the year, getting an internship at Anthropolgie for home textiles-london, a result of our end of year project with them (can't be shown due to contract). I was also the runner up for the Joyce Clissold csm scholarship, receiving a certificate 'very highly commending' my work from the Head of college. Bring on the summer, bring on Anthropologie, bring on next year.
Sunshine joy :)